March 28, 2006

I love sakura(cherry blossom) season! There are so many sakura trees in Tokyo, and it's in the middle of full bloom. Everywhere you look, there are pink and white flowers everywhere!

March 24, 2006

2 weeks, 400$ and 26 hours on trains

From the 24th of Febuary to the 11th of March, I did a trip from Tokyo to the island of Sado Island and back again, stopping a couple places on the way. Finally have gotten around to putting up some pictures! enjoy!
The view of Sado-ga-shima from the ferry
All dressed up in yukata!
We spend a night in Niigata
In front of a clock in Osaka Station
Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto
The Nara Daibutsu, the biggest Buddha stautue in Japan!

I got to take a picture with a geisha in Gion! We were wandering down to Yasaka jinja after seeing Kiyomizu-dera and randomly bumped into them! I was so happy to see geisha in Kyoto v^_^v