July 25, 2006

what do you get when you mix tapioca bubbles and mangos? Mango Bubble Tea!!!

July 21, 2006

July 19, 2006

The gorgeous view of Mt. Rainier from Bainbridge Island, WA

I spent the weekend eating a lot of great food, enjoying beautiful weather, and staying on a island that felt like living in a postcard. Oh, and I went to Pike Place Market in Seattle, and to this cute yarn store call the Churchmouse. ( I had to restrain myself from buying anything)
I am kicking myself for not taking more photos!

July 08, 2006

Pictures just because

I love living in Oregon, and one of the reasons I love it here so much is the fruit in the summertime! The neighborhood Farmer's Market is always full of fresh fruit, veggies , and other produce and meats.
Fresh Blueberries!

Rainier Cherries!

A cat who doesn't look evil for the first time in his life.

July 07, 2006

This heel is going to kill me!

So I finally get to the last row of my first ever Sherman heel. What do i do with the extra stitches at both ends, and what do i do with my left and right wraps??

I tried to wing it and did a series of crazed k2togs and such, and ended up with huge holey stitches where the wraps were. Help!

July 04, 2006

I'm back!

I flew back home to Oregon yesterday, and at this moment I am typing from my bedroom rather than the 24 hour computer lab in Waseda University. I am thoroughly jetlagged and tired, and I have a mountain of stuff to unpack and sort through. >_<

The motivation to maintain this blog has waned over the year, mostly because I really didn't want to make the 40 trek to school and back just to us e the computer.

However, now that I have broadband wireless at home, I really have no excuse, do I?

Happy 4th of July to those of you from the USA out there. I love BBQ, and no BBQ more than the pork spareribs my mom makes!
