January 28, 2007

And now there are two!

Against all odds, the long suffering toe up socks are done!
I was about to rip them out when two knitting friends talked me out of it. Not only that, but the decrease portion of the heel which were giving me the most problems, was generously knit by a friend. (Em, you are awesome!)
I finished up the cuff of the 2nd sock tonight, and bound off too tight, so it's a little bit of a fight to get one of them over my big heel, but I'm not undoing it! These things are done !

Toe-up Socks with a Sherman Heel
Yarn: 1. 5 skeins of a Japanese extra fine merino
Japanese size 2 Clover bamboo dpns
Magic 8 cast on, 60 st. foot, modified no wrap Sherman Heel

Honestly these were the single most frustrating items I've ever knit. I started them in May 2006, and it took me almost 10 months.
I think if I had not started and stopped so many times, it would have been much easier. I didn't have time to knit for a good couple months, and had forgotten exactly how to do the heel. The toe and foot were actually quite simple, and painless.
I'm just not a sock knitter, is the conclusion of this experiment. The teeny tiny needles, the fiddly-ness of dpns, the heel of doom, and the simple fact that I have to make TWO socks.
A sneak peak at the little Casey's Coat from SNBN. One sleeve down, one to go!

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