September 18, 2005

I'm alive!

I'm alive and well in Nishi-Waseda at the moment!

I arrived on Friday, and have been in endless orientations since then. Right now, I'm staying at the Hotel Sunroute, which is right by the Takada no baba station. The university is about a 25 minute walk from the hotel, not too bad since it's all pretty flat.

The past couple days have been kinda hot and muggy, but i'm doing fine. Today was a trip to Shinjuku, one of the busiest parts of Tokyo, even on a Sunday afternoon. Riding the Yamanote line was an experience, I'm really glad there were some Waseda students there to show us the ropes. Hopefully it will be easier tomorrow when I can buy my teiki (commuter pass), then I don't have to buy a ticket every time.

I'm getting a sweet cellphone tomorrow too! Hopefully
this one in blue.

I find out who my host family is tonight, and get to meet them tomorrow! I'm excited and kinda nervous at the same time...

Sorry, no pictures this time, since I'm on a public computer, and my laptop is still packed up. ^_^;;

wish me luck!

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